Monday, July 30, 2007

In Munich at John and Salih's Place

View from John and Salih's Place
Originally uploaded by Christof Wittig
Great welcome back to Munich, staying at John and Salih's place in Steinsdorfstrasse, with a splendid view over the roofs of Munich, the Isar river and a nice Saturday night firework. Meeting friends over the weekend, running a new course through the English Garden, starting right from Praterinsel opposite to our host's place.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

... and Back to Europe

I have been so bad in blogging, but I thought you might get tired of my travel stories, orbiting like a satellite around the globe. Since returning to the U.S. from England in May I have done another round the world trip (Asia/Europe) and now I am again on my way to Europe, this time for a few weeks staying and working from there, while seeing family and friends and attending my 20th year reunion of Atlantic College in Wales.
First stop is in Chicago (induced by the limited availability of free mileage flights in the peak holiday season), where we will hang out in Belmont tonight with friends.